Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dear Church,

I am sure all of you agree with me that we have had 2 very powerful services last weekend. The presence of God was so strongly manifested and the power of God was so visibly at work. I believe it is all because all of us came with a united spirit and the same expectancy to pledge and give to the building of the house of God. Initially, the RM3-million target looks really huge but after coupling it with our faith and trust in the God of impossibilities, it became a project viable. It became something that we need to stretch our faith yet not too flung beyond our reach.

Church, after knowing you for the past 7 years I must admit that I know you very well. I know you will rise to the occasion and I know you will sacrifice to fulfill the target. As of this week, we are still receiving pledges hence I will announce the good news to you once we come back from Asia Conference. As an individual, we can do a lot for God but together we would be able to do a lot more. With one heart and one spirit, we can build God an awesome and magnificent house. Remember, this house is not built for men but for the God who created the universe, the heavens and the earth! The God almighty that created each and every one of us! Thus, this house should be glorious in all the land! This house should bring fame to His name! Not only that, this house would see tens of thousands of families coming to the saving grace of our LORD Jesus Christ! Friends, may I encourage you that your sacrifice and all your hard work would not be in vain. Your reward is in heaven and here on earth. Your children and your children’s children shall be blessed. What you did today shall leave behind a strong spiritual legacy for the next generation!

I am so excited in my spirit! I believe God with all my heart that something really good is going to happen to all of you. He will ensure that His blessings will chase after you and that you would have so much that you would not have room enough to contain it.

I, as your pastor speak blessings into your life!

Be blessed and be a blessing in return,


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