Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dear Church,

Greetings in the blessed name of Jesus!

I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone Gong Xi Fa Cai one more time. In another 4-5 days’ time, we will finish celebrating this year’s CNY and I am sure all of us have had a lot of food and fellowship with family and friends. And that is most wonderful. However, now that the holidays are over, we need to learn how to get back into the working or studying rhythm as quickly as possible. Beginning this week, we must hit the gym, eat properly and make sure all our goals are on track.

By the way, we have almost finished the first 2 months of 2011 and that is already 1/6 of the year gone. So, please do not waste anymore time. No more procrastination. Get straight into the things that you have planned to achieve for this year. And balance is the key. Be sure to allocate time for God, family and others and set aside finances for the work of God, family and yourself. Don’t overspend. Don’t get into debt.

God has given us the freedom of choice only do not use this liberty for our personal gain. Spend time serving others. Use some of your hard earned money and be a blessing to others. I believe this is what being a Christian is all about – constantly seeking new opportunities for the betterment of others’ welfare. Having said all these, I am not trying to imply that we cannot enjoy ourselves. God wants us to enjoy the fruit of our labor. He wants us to celebrate our achievements. So, once again, BALANCE is the key.

I am sure when we learn to live like this, we will live a truly meaningful and prosperous life.

Serving with you,


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