Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dear Church,

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

First and foremost, my family and I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year. According to the Chinese Lunar calendar, this is the year of the Tiger. As Christians, we are not superstitious, neither do we subject ourselves to such beliefs. But whatever it may be, I pray that all of us would be blessed with great health and great wisdom to live this year fully to the glory of God.

I am also very excited about this new year because we are presented with the opportunity to live out The Christian Mind sermon that we learnt last year. I want us to learn to be a good witness at home. I want us to learn to be accepting and loving. I do not want us to be judgmental or critical. This is especially so because during this festive season, a lot of our non-believing family members would practice rituals according to their customs and belief system. They may do things that we do not believe in. But I do not want us to look at them cynically or belittle their practices. We may not agree with what they do but that does not give us the right to disrespect them. What if they do the same towards us and laugh at the way we speak in tongues? Would we be happy about that? Of course not. Hence, let us not do unto others what we do not want others to do unto us. This is the royal law as taught by Christ. As believers, we need to carry the mind of Christ, the spirit of love. While Jesus was on earth, he talked to sinners and dined with them. He received them as though they have no sins. And Jesus did the same to us. He died for us while we were yet sinners! So friends, this Chinese New Year, let us be more loving and less critical. Do not be overly righteous. Do not be super-spiritual. We are called to love. We are commanded to love.

So, this Chinese New year, let's go home with a totally new mindset. Let's practice the true Christian Mind. I truly believe we will see a great deal of change when we do that!

So proud of you,


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