Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dear Church,

Greetings in the blessed name of Jesus!

Well, Chinese New Year is coming to an end... and I know to many of us, it is only now that it feels like 2010 has begun! Whether your year is already in full-swing or just about to start, I want to encourage you to get going with it as soon as you can! The first 2 months of the year are usually very slow, especially with all the parties and celebrations. But now that all of them are finishing, it is really time for us to buck up and move on ahead. We cannot afford to dilly-dally and waste any more time. We need to keep going and keep pressing in. Very often, we procrastinate and drag... only to find another year has come and gone. But this year, I want you to lead your life differently.

Starting this weekend, we are already entering into the 3rd month of the year (MARCH). Hence, I want you to roll up your sleeves and get started immediately. If you are sitting for your PMR/SPM/STPM/A-Levels or any exams for that matter, I want you to start preparing now. Buy all the books that you need and start doing all the exercises. Nothing prepares you better than practices and lots of practices! If you are working on a project or being given the responsibility to run a department, start planning your work now. Draw up your plan and your strategies. Don't wait till your boss screams his lungs out before you begin to do anything! Be creative. Take initiative. Do not be afraid to try! One day, you will break through and do well! Only be strong and courageous. If you are a believer, start praying now. Start reading your Bible now. Don't wait till you have drawn up a plan before you embark on your spiritual journey. Daily devotion is meant to be done daily. Begin today!

Once we are back in the working mode, we will find that the momentum picks up a lot easier and a lot faster. Church, I truly believe 2010 is going to be an awesome year. But in order to see all those visions that we have coming to pass, we need to get going now. Let me encourage you to start running and start turning all those dreams into realities.

Your running partner,


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dear Church,

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and blessed Chinese New Year once again. Today is the 8th day of the celebration and I am sure all of us are still in a celebration mood. :) So, while you enjoy all the good food that your family has prepared for you, do remember to spend quality time with them too. As children, the best that we can do for our mom and dad is to treasure and appreciate them. And I want us to genuinely show them how much we care and love them. As Asians, and especially Chinese, we sometimes find it quite hard to express our love to our parents. But that should not stop us from doing what is right. On the other hand, I also know that the change is not going to happen overnight. So, why don't we start somewhere? Why don't we change a little bit first this time round? I am sure our parents will appreciate that. Friends, we do not have our parents with us all the time. Hence, let's show them that we care while they are still around. Chinese has a saying that goes like this, 'It is better to honor our parents with small gifts while they are alive than giving them a big gift after they are gone.' I believe when God teaches us to honor Him, He wants us to do the same for our parents, if not more. Church, let us be an honoring generation. Amen!

And now that the Chinese New Year holidays are coming to an end, I want to ask us to re-focus our priorities and begin to run with greater zeal for the things of the LORD for this year. Let us commit ourselves to be more consistent in our daily devotion, relationship, ministry and at our workplace. As believers, we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. So, we need to be impacting lives all the time. We cannot be a half-hearted Christian. Neither can we be a submarine believer who only emerges on weekends. If we truly want to live our life to the fullest and shine for Jesus, then we ought to be ready in season and out of season. That way, we will please the heart of God and bring His name praise.

Church, I am very excited for 2010. I know God has a lot prepared for us. So, let's get ready to RUN! RUN! RUN!

Yours for revival,


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dear Church,

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

First and foremost, my family and I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year. According to the Chinese Lunar calendar, this is the year of the Tiger. As Christians, we are not superstitious, neither do we subject ourselves to such beliefs. But whatever it may be, I pray that all of us would be blessed with great health and great wisdom to live this year fully to the glory of God.

I am also very excited about this new year because we are presented with the opportunity to live out The Christian Mind sermon that we learnt last year. I want us to learn to be a good witness at home. I want us to learn to be accepting and loving. I do not want us to be judgmental or critical. This is especially so because during this festive season, a lot of our non-believing family members would practice rituals according to their customs and belief system. They may do things that we do not believe in. But I do not want us to look at them cynically or belittle their practices. We may not agree with what they do but that does not give us the right to disrespect them. What if they do the same towards us and laugh at the way we speak in tongues? Would we be happy about that? Of course not. Hence, let us not do unto others what we do not want others to do unto us. This is the royal law as taught by Christ. As believers, we need to carry the mind of Christ, the spirit of love. While Jesus was on earth, he talked to sinners and dined with them. He received them as though they have no sins. And Jesus did the same to us. He died for us while we were yet sinners! So friends, this Chinese New Year, let us be more loving and less critical. Do not be overly righteous. Do not be super-spiritual. We are called to love. We are commanded to love.

So, this Chinese New year, let's go home with a totally new mindset. Let's practice the true Christian Mind. I truly believe we will see a great deal of change when we do that!

So proud of you,


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dear Church,

Greetings in the powerful name of Jesus!

Can you believe it? It is already the first week of February! Time really does fly. Once again, I want to encourage you and remind you to make full use of the year. Do not procrastinate any longer. Begin by taking small, simple steps. Get into the rhythm. Once you have built up the momentum, it would be so much easier to move forward. Friends, don't make this year just like any other year... OK? We have got to start living and make it count. As I have said before, we are not getting any younger. After all, how many more 10 years do we still have? So, let's spur each other on to keep on going and striving!

At the moment, I am in Dubai, spending a few days with Yipp and Gillian before leaving for Moscow. Gillian used to be my PA before Yipp had to move here to work. I am so happy to see the both of them doing so well. But being so far away from home, they do have their challenges. I want to encourage those of you who know them to continually remember them in your prayers. They need all the support that they can get from us. And on Friday, I will be leaving for Moscow to speak to a group of 300 medical students, challenging them to be involved in at least one medical mission this year. It is going to be exciting and faith-stretching. Hence, once again, I would like to ask you to pray for me so that I can be effectively used by God. I will reach KL on Tuesday morning just in time for our Chinese New Year services. WOW! I am so excited in my spirit. I truly believe all of you would be so blessed and so impacted by all that God wants to do in you and through you!

Last but not least, let us continue to pray for our building plan final stage’s approval. Time is running short. We only have 6 months into our first service. As the workers prepare the physical house of God, I want to encourage all of us to prepare the 'spiritual' house of God - ourselves. I want us to enlarge our capacity to pray, to serve and to grow the house of God. I want us to have a heart so full and expanded that we can fill and saturate the new church with the presence of God from the first weekend we are there!

Let's build a strong spiritual structure!

Running alongside you,