Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dear Church,

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus!

First and foremost, I would like to warmly welcome Rev. Dr. John Avanzini into our midst. This is the first time that Dr. Avanzini is speaking at our church hence I would like to ask all of us to come prepared to receive a fresh revelation from God concerning our tithes and offering and our ability to handle finances.

Dr. Avanzini is the foremost apostle of God in the area of Biblical Economics. Today, almost all the offering passages that churches use to teach its congregation has its origin in Dr. Avanzini’s teachings. His uncompromising stand on tithing and offering has taken churches of the modern society to a whole new level, enlarging its capacity to believe and do more for the kingdom of God. This has greatly transformed churches, elevating them from poverty thinking to a prosperous mindset – setting them free from the bondage of debt and lack!

In the past, the church of God is like a dump site. Anything old like old TVs and old sofas and anything unusable like spoilt microwave ovens would be donated to the church. But is this how the church of God ought to be treated? Is it right for us to offer to God anything that we no longer want? Church, it is so important for us to learn this right now. We need to go a level higher when it comes to treating the house of God. We need to be more excellent in our giving. We need to be more faithful in our tithing. We need to learn how to maintain the house of God accordingly.

This weekend, I am sure all of us will learn a new perspective on all these. I want our church to be stronger in the area of giving because I want to see all of you succeed and do well in life. This is so important because it is only when we are financially free and capable that we are able to sow more into the kingdom of God. And it is through this that the work of God can be enlarged and extended.

Church, let’s learn to give sacrificially yet cheerfully,

In Him,



Anonymous said...

is tithing biblical? is it a moral law or ceremonial law?

Anonymous said...

is tithing biblical? is it a moral law or ceremonial law?